The way VERNON talks with his fans on Weverse can be unique and downright unusual. After a fan left a comment on VERNON’s photo of the game Rummikub and the artist in turn refuted that comment, he clarified his position for a full hour and eight minutes in a V LIVE titled “Rummikub explanation,” during which time he earned himself the nickname “rice soup boy” at some point. In another recent exchange, he traded quotes from the MBC variety show Infinite Challenge with fans, demonstrating his extensive knowledge of the series and the memes it has spawned. Fans provide part of a meme and he successfully recognizes them every time, leaving a comment in response. VERNON defined this new activity—a kind of “meme test” or “meme competition”—as the meme chain game. We could not pass up the opportunity to talk about Infinite Challenge with someone as serious about the show as VERNON is.
The “Rummikub explanation”
VERNON: I took a photo when I was playing Rummikub and couldn’t even play an opening move [as per the rule stating the value of the tiles used in a player’s first move must total at least 30 points] and then posted it on Weverse. Then I saw one CARAT left a comment saying I am really bad at the game, and I thought, Hmm, maybe it would be fun to calmly strike back with an overreaction, and I wrote back carefully word by word like that. Then I thought, Hey, this would be funny to stream, so I started a V LIVE. It was so funny. The way CARAT all said, Wow, please … (laughs) It was too funny. I realized I can put on a good show and communicate with them from practically nothing. I think it’s better to avoid anything too heavy or serious when I’m online and stick to light, pleasant conversation and keep it easy-going and wholesome. I think it is a better fit with my personality.
Infinite Challenge and the meme chain game
VERNON: One time, I was on Weverse when I was really bored, and I saw CARAT mentioned me in a post with a line from Infinite Challenge, but I could tell immediately that it was not the full quote. So I replied with the rest and then CARAT all saw it and we ended up doing an Infinite Challenge meme chain back and forth. It was fun—really fun. It was a clear reminder of how influential Infinite Challenge has been. I am actually a newbie. I was not interested in the show when it originally aired but started to watch it a lot last summer during quarantine. I randomly saw one video on the YouTube channel 5minstealer and it was so funny that I watched others one by one. Maybe it was a side effect of binge-watching, but I think I ended up remembering a lot of funny lines because I watched them all in one go and kept rewatching the funny parts. I saw a compilation of all my comments about Infinite Challenge on YouTube after that, just by chance. I could not believe how well made it was. It was so fun to watch. I want to do it with CARAT again some time but I am worried whether or not I could do it as well as I did last time because I think I already used up everything I know.
What makes Infinite Challenge such a good, fun show
VERNON: I think the main attraction is the chemistry these somewhat eccentric people have together—how natural and fun it is. On top of that, Yoo Jae-suk is a great host and the captions are really clever. There are just so many interesting concepts. Each cast member has their own personality that stands out from the group and their chemistry makes the whole show better. Also, one time Park Myung-soo was on My Little Television by himself, and went from the laughter hunter [who gets laughs] to the laughter killer. So they held a funeral for his laughter on Infinite Challenge. (laughs) I think one of the most charming things about the show is how real they are—like how they do not try to cover up the things they did wrong or their shortcomings and just turn it into something fun.
VERNON’s favorite episode
VERNON: The episode where they go to Marado Island and eat jjajangmyeon [ep. 149–150, “Life Theater: Yes or No”] is so—I laugh every time I watch it. When I saw it, I realized that was why the cast had to struggle for the entertainment of the viewers. I can tell how much they are struggling along, but that’s what makes it so entertaining. I really liked the “Infinite Company” episodes, too. For me, the funniest part is where Yoo Jae-suk slaps Jung Junha. The timing was priceless. It is like it was scripted. (looks up the video and plays it) Ah, it’s amazing the way he holds in his laughter and just goes and sits back down. Ha—how did he do that? They work so well together. Also, this is not a specific episode, but the most natural and funniest parts are when the cast catch up with each other. It is funny when they do the actual challenges, too, but I think that is where their funniest bits happen.
What makes VERNON laugh
VERNON: I feel like I find things funny when they are a little clever. Using words and actions that fit the situation—that are perfect for what’s happening—is one way to be clever. When I stop and think about it, I think I like Park Myung-soo’s sense of humor. He is fantastic at coming up with acrostic poems and you can tell when he talks that he is excellent at choosing his words. For example, when he asks Yoo Jae-suk to take off his glasses, and as soon as he does, he says, “Place them on.” I think that kind of detail, like using the word “place,” is amazing. I usually read the comments when I watch the videos and it seems like everyone likes the same details as me.
Infinite Challenge and GOING SEVENTEEN
VERNON: I love it when people say that GOING SEVENTEEN is like the idol equivalent of Infinite Challenge. I want to make it as entertaining as they do. I am not actually a naturally funny person so I am not interested in doing any variety show other than GOING SEVENTEEN, and I focus all my effort on that show. I also thought of GOING SEVENTEEN when I watched Infinite Challenge. It used to be that one of the other members would say or do something and they would all laugh really hard, and I would be the only one who could not understand, but now I understand why it was funny and have a much better understanding of the sense of humor overall. Some of the other members, like DK and SEUNGKWAN, watch a lot of Infinite Challenge, too, and sometimes we do wordplay together, like with the meme chains, and sometimes we see an episode and talk about it, saying how it would be fun for us to do, too.
The algorithm
VERNON: I mostly watch whatever the algorithm on YouTube shows me. I mostly watch channels like 5minstealer, Yetneung and lots of different kinds of web variety shows.. I also watch educational videos too, like videos discussing the humanities. And I have a few streaming services and watch shows on there - this one American show was on my recommended list so I started watching it because it looked like a fun watch. I really like it.
A one-line review of Infinite Challenge
VERNON: The classics never go out of style.
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