No "f***ing world" can bring SEVENTEEN down. Back with their 10th mini album FML, the "super" Seventeen strives to overcome adversity through optimism and continues to grow indefinitely in the face of hardship. From their double lead single reflecting their fierce attitude towards life to other colorful songs, here are some music choices for CARAT who would surely be their “flying cloud” throughout the whole journey.
S.COUPS: When I first heard this song, I was like, “This is it!” It's that great. It's a song that we can proudly present, and since we’ve made some new attempts in this album, I’m sure the audience would respond positively.
JOSHUA: Whenever I listen to this song, it feels like I’m the hero, and the song is just as majestic as the performance.
HOSHI: I’ve had a lot of fun and excitement preparing for this lead single with an interesting keyword. I hope it gets lots of love!
WOOZI: "Super" would be great for CARAT to listen to when they need to cheer up!
MINGYU: I really like the part in the lyric that goes like, "I Luv My Team I Luv My Crew". It's a song that expresses SEVENTEEN today.
DK: The song captures everything that SEVENTEEN has shown throughout our journey. Still, don't miss our unique, new "Super" performance!
SEUNGKWAN: It's a song that shows the passion and performance we can bring out to the fullest!
DINO: I’ve been confident with "Super" since it’s such a magnificent and powerful song. But I’ve also felt a great sense of responsibility.
SEVENTEEN - “F*ck My Life”
JEONGHAN: I’ll add this to my playlist since I personally like this style of song!
JUN: I hope CARAT listen to this song in difficult times and cheer up and be happy.
WONWOO: “F*ck My Life” is a comforting song. I hope many people find it comforting.
THE8: I hope this song would help you find hope amidst life’s challenges and be yourself.
DK: The song may strike you as rough, but it also has a hopeful vibe. It tells us about hope, optimism, and pain in overcoming challenges together and finding our own paths.
VERNON: I hope this song would comfort CARAT!
SEVENTEEN’s Hip-hop Team - “Fire”
S.COUPS: I’m sure all our hip-hop team members would say this, but I just can't wait to be on stage with this song. I'm already really excited and looking forward to seeing how we would perform!
WONWOO: “Fire” is a catchy song that strongly reflects the determination of our members.
MINGYU: As I've already felt while working with our members, I can’t wait to sing in front of our audience!
VERNON: I hope CARAT would groove to the music as they listen to this song.
SEVENTEEN’s Vocal Team - “Dust”
JEONGHAN: I just love it. You’ll notice that the song captures our vocal team’s charms when you hear it.
JOSHUA: It’s a song that makes you feel the charming, emotional voices of our five vocalists.
WOOZI: “Dust” is a song that CARAT can freely enjoy.
DK: “Dust” is a refreshing song that makes you want to go on a drive and lighten up! I hope you give it a listen!
SEUNGKWAN: "Dust" is a nostalgic song. It’s also a song you can’t get sick of.
SEVENTEEN’s Performance Team - “I Don’t Understand But I Luv U”
JUN: It's my personal favorite. I recommend CARAT listen to this song and accept our “Luv.”
HOSHI: “I Don’t Understand But I Luv U” is our way of replying to the pretty messages from CARAT. I wrote this song reminding myself that our hearts are connected, beyond language barriers. Please feel free to listen to it.
THE8: Just like the title, we don’t need words to feel love. I want to give my love to all the CARAT in the world.
DINO: The performance team's song allows you to imagine as you listen. It was kind of produced as the second part of “Lilili Yabbay,” so it’s more immersive and sexy.
SEVENTEEN Members’ Favorite Song in 10th Mini Album
SEVENTEEN - “F*ck My Life”
S.COUPS: Listen to this song and you'll understand why we've confidently selected it as our double lead single. I want to recommend this song as it delivers the message well.
MINGYU: It's another title song that I listen to most often these days.
JOSHUA: I hope CARAT watch the performance with the song.
WONWOO: Both the music and the performance are fun, so it’ll be nice for CARAT to watch and listen to.
THE8: I hope we all find "the stronger version of ourselves" and overcome challenges in this world!
SEVENTEEN - “April Shower”
JEONGHAN: I personally like showers, and my, an April shower!!!
WOOZI: It’ll be a sweet song for CARAT. :)
DK: The music tickles my ears and makes me feel good. I recommend you listen to this while in the shower on a late spring day.
SEUNGKWAN: The lyrics and melodies are fantastic, and it’s perfect for spring!
DINO: It's hard to get sick of this song, which is why I think it's the best song for a drive or a stroll on a cool day at this time of the year.
SEVENTEEN - “I Don't Understand But I Luv U”
JUN: I love the message and melody of this song, and hope CARAT would do, too.
HOSHI: I’ve grown attached to all the songs, but especially “I Don't Understand But I Luv U,” probably because I took part in writing it, and would like to recommend this song because I love the keyword and the message.
VERNON: It's hard to pick just one since I love all the songs in this album!
S.COUPS’ song recommendation: SEVENTEEN - F*ck My Life
JEONGHAN’s song recommendation: SEVENTEEN - April shower
JOSHUA’s song recommendation: SEVENTEEN - Super
JUN’s song recommendation: Shawn Mendes - Where Were You In The Morning?
HOSHI’s song recommendation: SEVENTEEN - I Don’t Understand But I Luv U
WONWOO’s song recommendation: Yuuri - シャッター
WOOZI’s song recommendation: SEVENTEEN - ひとりじゃない (Not Alone)
THE8’s song recommendation: MEHRO - LIKE YOU'RE GOD
MINGYU’s song recommendation: Ed Sheeran - Boat
DK’s song recommendation: TAEYANG - Seed
SEUNGKWAN’s song recommendation: Official HIGE DANDISM - Laughter
VERNON’s song recommendation: Silica Gel - Mercurial
DINO’s song recommendation: ASTN - Real

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