ArticleKwag Jayeon
Photo Credit&TEAM YouTube

NICHOLAS, who played badminton from elementary to middle school throughout his childhood, is now a member of &TEAM. He says that in some ways, training and coordinating with other players and feeling competitive about the outcome of a game is not all that different from his life as an idol now. We asked NICHOLAS what his memories as a badminton player mean to him as an idol.

The Beauty of Badminton
NICHOLAS: I first started playing badminton because of a recommendation from my older sister, who had joined the team first. At that time, I wasn’t engaging in activities other than studying, but I did like playing sports more. After getting into badminton, the concept of teamwork always held an attraction for me. Of course, teamwork is the base of any sport, but as a doubles player, collaborating with my partner was especially important. Without the team spirit, it would be challenging to play at all. Also, badminton doesn’t require brute strength so anyone can enjoy it. It’s more important to be capable of anticipating and visualizing your opponent’s next shot after you hit the shuttlecock.

The Athletic Career
NICHOLAS: One time when I was in elementary school, my parents came to watch the match, so I really wanted to win. But I didn’t, so I got a little angry with my teammate. I wanted to show my parents how well I could play but losing made me upset and I spoke harshly. My dad saw it and scolded me, telling me that it wasn’t one person’s fault because the results come from joint efforts. My friend and I patched up. We’re all good now. (laughs) I also remember representing in a very big tournament. That was my last major badminton tournament. Winning it could have led to international competitions but I was only in my first year of middle school so I couldn’t win all the matches. At that time, all I could think about was wanting to become stronger. I started physical training around 8 AM and then did technical training from 4 PM to 9 PM after school. To be honest, I hated physical training sessions because I’m not a morning person, but I got through it by reminding myself to enjoy the process. “Enjoy to endure.” That’s a quote by the wonderful player Tai Tzu Ying. During matches, I would sometimes imitate Lin Dan’s celebration, going right up to the net and smiling coolly at my opponent in crucial moments. (laughs)

From Badminton Player to K-pop Idol
NICHOLAS: After training and competing for so many years, I’ve sustained a lot of injuries, especially to my knees. While I was contemplating whether I should continue, my best friend quit playing badminton, and it was like suddenly the strength I had inside me was gone. I became a trainee because I thought it would be fun and that anything would be a good experience. But seeing my friends perform on stage after I-LAND made me feel more ambitious. That’s when I decided I wanted to become an idol, too. An amazing idol, a great artist. Now I love my job so much. I don’t compare myself to others like I used to when I played badminton or think that if I’m not going to be the best, I shouldn’t try at all. I’m just curious to see how far I can go, which motivates me to keep trying my best.

©️ &TEAM NICHOLAS weverse

The Meaning of “Team”
NICHOLAS: Sometimes I ask myself, “If I could turn back time, would I still choose badminton?” Perhaps I would have learned to dance sooner and played basketball more. But I think I would choose to play badminton again because I don’t want to lose the precious memories from that time. I made great memories with my friends and loved the atmosphere of different people coming together to work toward one goal. Sticking together no matter how tough it gets. Idols are similar to athletes in that sense, only the stage is different. Just as sports competitors build up their determination to win before the game begins, the members of &TEAM fire up each other before going on stage, and we spare no effort. During the recent Weverse Con Festival, we gave our best performance with the mindset to turn everyone, even those who didn’t know us, into LUNÉ.

Playing Badminton with &TEAM
NICHOLAS: Everyone talks a lot about wanting to play, but it’s hard to find a badminton court, so I haven’t had a proper game with other members. We’ve only played a few times for fun, but EJ is surprisingly good. So is MAKI. HARUA is unexpectedly good as well, even though he isn’t into sports. So, I think these three would be good at it, but if we were to play doubles, I would want to team up with HARUA. My strategy would be for HARUA to stand right at the front, while I handle all the incoming shots. (laughs) I think he would like my strategy since he doesn’t like anything too strenuous. (laughs)

Playing Sports with &TEAM
NICHOLAS: Before our recent comeback, we had some free time and often played sports together, going bowling and playing basketball. We played basketball more often because it was easy to find a basketball court. As we kept playing, our skills improved, and we all got more into it. Of course, JO has always loved basketball. Recently, EJ and YUMA have completely become hooked on it. They would go to the basketball court after work and play until dawn almost every single day. I particularly enjoy playing one-on-one with YUMA. After I score, I clap teasingly in front of him and see his expression change instantly. I find it so cute and funny. I hope LUNÉ can see that someday. (laughs) And I lift weights as a form of self-care. I thought it would be boring in the beginning but the more I do it, the more it feels like sports. I feel like I’m competing against myself.

Badminton Moments to Share with LUNÉ
NICHOLAS: I’m a little sad that I haven’t had the chance to show you how I play badminton. I would love to play a match with other athletes. For example, I could visit an elementary school and play a match there. Since I only played badminton until the first year of middle school, that would be the right level range for me. (laughs) Actually, elementary school students might be too young, so let’s go with middle schoolers. I’m curious to see how it would turn out. When I get the chance, I would love to show LUNÉ how cool and impressive I can be!

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