The content on display at fromis_9’s YouTube channel covers nearly everything that a K-pop idol can. And a lot of it. As with the number of videos, the subscriber count on the channel is on the rise, including some 300,000 new subscribers in the past year and topping more than 960,000 people as of July with an eye on reaching one million. Alongside the increase and the growth of the group themselves is a stockpile of great videos showcasing the nine unique winning personalities of the nine members of fromis_9—from Channel_9, their variety show that proves they were all born funny, to the late-night moods of fl▶️ylist and the effective sleep aid that is Jisun ASMR. Countless videos have been uploaded to the fromis_9 YouTube channel, and there’s no signs of that stopping. So, here is a guide to fromis_9’s YouTube channel for new flover who could use a little help figuring out where to start. Better late than never to this paragon of content. And remember, once you get into it, there’s no turning back!
FM_1.24 and fromisoda: another side of fromis_9
Recording albums, practicing choreography, shooting music videos, hanging in the green room before taking to the stage: If you’re curious what went on behind the scenes during the group’s past promotions, you should check out FM_1.24. “We wanted to capture the artistic way they handle performances and photoshoots and music videos,” channel showrunners Yeom Ji Been and Lead Professional Kwack Yun A from HYBE 360 Artist Content Studio said, explaining the way the series shows the energy and approach the members take toward their promotions. The series shows how the group members fine-tune their vocals to better express a line from a song or how seriously they practice in the green room over and over again. The chemistry between the nine of them is undeniable. fromisoda shows the group in their personal time or off set, resting or at play, and, per Kwack and Yeom’s stated goal, attempts to capture “the charm of the members from moment to moment.” These are mostly behind the scenes—falling asleep in a chair while between takes, showing off newly developed skills, spontaneously improvising skits while on break—but are periodically interspersed with clips from variety shows and the like as well.
Channel_9: a variety show from a naturally funny girl group
Channel_9 is fromis_9’s personal variety show. It all started four years ago with episodes where the members try different things they’re interested in. Since then, the format has shifted to a variety show with new episodes posted every Thursday at 9 PM Each episode sees fromis_9 helping fans with their problems, trying something new like filming a commercial, chasing each other around and around like in “RUNNING_9” or playing games with the promise of getting off work early. “Gyuri once mentioned that Channel_9 is just the members of the group having fun with each other like usual, except there’s a camera,” Jeong Jae Hoon, Lead Professional at the HYBE 360 Original Content Studio, said, reflecting the series’ principle that “the artists have to be enjoying themselves.” The unrestrained sense of enjoyment fostered by that atmosphere is Channel_9’s main attraction. For example, in the episode “Welcome to 20 Orientation,” in the scene where Hayoung and Jiwon teach Jiheon how to make her voice louder and do a random dance makes viewers laugh uncontrollably. “There was only a short outline,” Jeong said. “The rest was up to the two of them.”
The trailer released for the show in 2018 contains the words, “It all started with something one of the members said,” already establishing that Channel_9 revolves around the members of the group. Some episodes are made based off the members’ ideas. “Jisun wrote and presented a two-page proposal for ‘The Mafiarity Report’ herself, and the production team developed it further,” Jeong explained, and the team adds in aspects of the members’ personalities from there. That’s why there’s been a gradual increase in videos that put the nine members’ personalities and charisma on display, like in episodes where they have to play against their natural dispositions, such as “Byeoljubujeon 2022,” or in “The Room of Prophecies and Changed Fates” where Chaeyoung, an astute observer of the other members’ tendencies, has to predict what they will do. There are also scenes that show their deepest feelings for the group and for flover, like when the members think back on the time they went camping and then took first place on a music show for the first time or when they discuss their feelings around their fan meeting concerts. There are similarly simple episodes, like “Living with Roommates,” where they decide who will share which rooms on a trip and then have a barbecue, but there are also some excellent, unmissable videos, like the hilarious “SPECIAL MT” and other legendary episodes. Note that every episode of Channel_9 hits really high decibels, so it’s advised that you keep your finger on the volume while watching.
Life vlogs from the fromis_9 members
Whether it’s Saerom’s ROMMANTIC DAY, Jiheon’s HoneY_log or each member’s own entry in the 9_log series, if you’re curious about what a real day in the life of a fromis_9 member looks like, look no further than the vlogs they film and, from time to time, edit themselves. “We want to show their approachable side, one that’s no different from anyone else their age,” Kwack and Yeom said, so a typical 9_log shows some of the members taking a one-day class that interests them or making bead rings like usual. The members of fromis_9 come across as no different from you or me, hanging out in bed or spending time with family and their pets.
These commonplace experiences also overlap from time to time with their fromis_9 work, as can be seen in Saerom’s and Jiheon’s personal vlogs. The showrunners described ROMMANTIC DAY, which Saerom shoots at will and does the initial editing for, shows “everyday life during the promotional periods from Saerom’s perspective.” We can see the members setting up birthday parties for each other at home and in the practice studio, going to a cafe or making food at home on days off, riding in a car between appointments and passing the time in the green room. All the time and effort Jiheon put into being an idol as well as her all-important high school senior year are captured as it happened in HoneY_log. There are scenes of the idol-student getting ready early in the morning and going to school by subway and bus, while her “study with me”-style video shows her studying for five hours in real time. As a 19-year-old student who passed the CSAT and now attends university, Baek Jiheon has attracted views from not only the fandom but also other students her age who feel a sympathetic bond. While she received help from the label up until last year, Jiheon is now also learning how to edit her vlogs better and has been “in charge of captions, logos, opening sequences, background music, blurring and thumbnails since earlier this year.” This also lets viewers see the way members of Generation Z film, edit and upload YouTube videos as a pastime.
Short variety series: from 2 Meals and FM_1.24 Special
In addition to Channel_9, fromis_9’s YouTube channel is home to some shorter variety series meant to “show fans a new side of them that isn’t in behind-the-scenes videos or their regular variety show.” One of these special series, from 2 Meals, is a particular hit with fans. In it, the group goes out into the country and, as the title suggests, cook two meals. A few of the members lead the effort while the rest help out. With the kitchen being a tight space, and under the idea that not helping is a kind of help itself, the other members go elsewhere and try to keep things entertaining by playing board games or setting the table and washing the dishes. This kind of division of labor leads the viewer to assume that this setup is typical of the way the group lives together at home, but what makes from 2 Meals so special are the sights that fans hadn’t yet seen, like “Nagyung being attentive to her surroundings,” which was new even after “all the footage of them released in the four years since their debut,” Kwack and Yeom said. The variety show format nicely encapsulates how the nine members are growing within fromis_9 and the ways they are changing in a funny, fromis_9-like way.
In addition to the four episodes of from 2 Meals is FM_1.24 Special, periodically released for holidays and other special days or sometimes just for shorter entertainment. Many of the videos are under 20 minutes, so they make for good companions at mealtime. In this series, fromis_9 is, no surprise, very serious about games, shouting and having fun without a care in the world. In “Wanna talk online for a sec?,” for example, which was filmed while they were in quarantine, everyone makes their own frosted sugar cookies, but the main event is still their stream-of-consciousness small talk. In “Please Take Care of My Brunch,” the group splits into two teams and they have to win games in order to get cooking utensils, but none of them has any interest in which utensils they receive, focused entirely on winning instead. Occasionally there’s a video where everything else is put aside and the entire premise is to play a game; Kwack and Yeom said they want to use YouTube “to show their ‘beagle side,’ which is something typical girl groups don’t usually have.”
fl▶️ylist: fromis_9’s playlist
Just when you think the group is only serious about variety shows, fromis_9 puts out fl▶️ylist, proving they’re more serious about their main focus—music and dance—than anyone else. The members cover or dance to songs individually, as a group or in a unit. “It’s entirely up to the artists,” Kwack and Yeom said. “First the members pitch their idea, and then we discuss it with the relevant departments.” Viewers can figure out each member’s tastes from the songs they choose and pick up on different skills and charms that they might not otherwise see during fromis_9’s promotions. While the earliest videos were filmed in a practice studio or other basic space, from some point they start to have locations and props specifically tailored to the genre of the songs and the performers wear suitable outfits and facial expressions. The latest video is Hayoung’s rendition of “Plastic Love.” Hayoung, who usually sings the high parts in fromis_9’s songs, sings the song calmly but evokes an overwhelming emotional response.
For a deep sleep, check out Jisun ASMR
In December 2018—the early days of the show—Jisun did an episode of Channel_9 where she tries something she always enjoyed: ASMR. With nearly 2.3 million views, viewers keep coming to it all the time. The series has also been received well from viewers outside the fandom, to the point that some people learned about fromis_9 through it. Jisun’s, soft voice, clear pronunciation and insight for making just the right sounds as she touches, shakes and taps different objects are all right on par with full-time ASMR YouTubers. Starting as a popular stand-alone video and eventually spinning off into its own series, Jisun ASMR features makeup kits, bath products, eating sounds and word repetition. She’s outstanding when it comes to figuring out what sounds viewers will like by drawing on her own love of ASMR and her ability to film for a long time without losing concentration. She creates an optimized sound by using microphones specifically made for ASMR use; one of the best examples is seen in “3Dio Ear Cleaning Roleplay,” where she uses a microphone made to look like human ears. This might explain all the testimonies from people who say they fell into a deep sleep thanks to Jisun ASMR. Like the intro to every video says, it’s recommended that you wear earphones or headphones.
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